Kamis, 26 April 2012

My Story Part 2

Say that you'll remain in my heart;

say that you'll be my friend.

I'll look, I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you tomorrow or the day after.

Say that you'll remain in my heart;

say that you'll be my friend.

I'll look, I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you tomorrow or the day after.

We're such old friends, so why are we so much like strangers?

Who knows what splendor our childhood friendship will bring!

Who knows when and how my attention is snared!

Oh, who knows who is whose soulmate here!

Say that you'll remain in my heart;

say that you'll be my friend.

I'll look, I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you tomorrow or the day after.

Say that you'll remain in my heart;

say that you'll be my friend.

You're my friend as well; give me your support.

Put your friend's hand into my own.

Waiting and waiting — what else is there to this love affair?

This is surely a lie; admit it just once

Hey, I said I'll make friends with you, so say you'll be friends with me as well.

I'll look, I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you tomorrow or the day after.

Hey, I said I'll make friends with you, so say you'll be friends with me as well.

I'll look, I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you tomorrow or the day after.

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